Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Longing for the Holy

Lincoln's Log 1-13-13

Our parish is beginning a wonderful process called Longing for the Holy.  This process is about discovering and channeling the deep longing each of us has for God.  It is a way to move into the future as a Church of hope.

The heart of the process will be the gathering of small groups of people in homes to read, pray, and reflect on the Scriptures and faith-sharing reflections.  These small communities within our parishes:

  • Meet once a week for the season of lent at a convenient time you select
  • Are centered around Scripture
  • Use professionally developed materials that have proven to help individuals grow in faith
  • Are guided by trained leaders
  • Are usually held in an informal setting, i.e. parishioner's homes

These small communities help to make our faith real.  A more intimate setting allows us to grow.  A small community can change the way we see the world and allow us to experience different prayer styles.  We all know that faith without action is dead.  A small faith community can help us identify ways to respond to the needs of others and support our outreach.  Community also impacts the way we relate to others.  It can help us become more understanding, tolerant, patient and loving.

There are so many good reasons to be a part of a Longing for the Holy small faith community!  We are hoping as many people as possible will see this as a moment of grace and will participate.


Lincoln A. Wood

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