Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lincoln’s Log 10-24-10

"Now you are the body of Christ and
individually members of it." (1 Cor, 12-27)

The past few weeks, I shared in the joy of the members of the Body of Christ here at St. Rose and St. Mary's who responded to our Stewardship Process. Sacrifices like these have made it possible to further Jesus Christ's Mission at St. Rose and St. Mary's.

Thank you to everyone who made or renewed their Stewardship Commitment this last weekend.  You should be receiving a letter or phone call within the next two weeks about the ministry you signed up for.  If you don't hear anything by Friday, October 29 please call the parish office.

If you have not yet returned your card, please return one ASAP.  Cards can be found in church or at the parish office (140 Auto St., Clintonville) and returned in the collection basket or to the parish office.  I sincerely believe that a prayerful response will enrich your faith daily. In addition, your response will demonstrate your commitment to our parish community.

God Bless you!



Saturday, October 16, 2010

Lincoln's Log 10-17-10

Thank you to everyone who made or renewed their Stewardship Commitment this last weekend.  If you have not turned in your card yet, please drop it by the parish office ASAP.  You should be receiving a letter or phone call within the next two weeks about the ministry you signed up for.  If you don't hear anything by Tuesday, October 22 please call the parish office.

Attention Men!
Have you ever wondered if the church has anything to say to men as men?  Here are some upcoming opportunities specifically for Catholic men who wish to grow in their faith.
  • Come to the first ever webcast at St. Rose/St. Mary’s!  Fr. Richard Rohr will be talking with men from around the globe about what it means to be a Christian man in the world today.  On Sunday, October 24, we will gather at 12:30pm in the St. Rose parish meeting room (the webcast begins at 1pm) and spend some time discussing Fr. Richard’s insights after the webcast.  You can find more information about the webcast at:  We should be done by 2:30pm.  Don’t worry, the Packers don’t play until 7pm so there will be plenty of time for pre-game festivities after the webcast.  Maybe we could even conclude the gathering with a prayer for the Packers!
  • The Norbertine Center for Spirituality at St. Norbert’s Abbey in De Pere is hosting a Morning of Spiritual Renewal for Men on Saturday, October 30 from 8am-1pm.  Cost is $30 and includes beverages, rolls, lunch and attendance at any of the sessions.  During this morning of spirituality, outstanding speakers will be offering workshops to help men get in touch with their faith and what God asks of them.  For more information call Lincoln at 715-823-3416 or the Norbertine Center #920-337-4315.  Act fast, registrations are due by October 22.  You can also register online at:
  • Stay tuned for more details about my Advent book discussion on “On the Threshold of Transformation:  Meditations for Men” by Fr. Richard Rohr.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Money and the Spiritual Life

Richard Foster's discussion of money and the spiritual life is "on the money!" The Renovare team continues to do excellent work in challenging us to have an authentic, ecumenical, integrated spirituality that is practical and centered on the Word of God. Check out the article here:

Money and the Spiritual Life

Monday, October 11, 2010

Remembering John XXIII and Vatican II

Today is the anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council and also the feast of Pope John XXIII. Here is some beautiful video and the famous speech in translation.

Whispers in the Loggia: Quote of the Day

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lincoln's Log 10-10-10

It is not a coincidence that on the tenth day of the tenth month of 2010 we are hearing the reading about the tenth leper.  There is something important going on here.

I believe the message is very clear.  We are called to be like that tenth leper.  The Gospel of the tenth leper isn't simply about a miraculous healing.  Healing someone of leprosy was giving them a new life.  Lepers were outcasts.  Jesus gives all ten lepers new life and like them we have been given new life.

And so we say, "Thank you."  Just like the tenth leper.  And that is our salvation.

It is also not a coincidence that this weekend we renew our stewardship commitment.  As we walked forward and placed our card on the altar, we offer thanks.  Thank you for the ability to pray, to serve, and to share.  The altar is the place where we give thanks to God just as the tenth leper returned to Jesus to give thanks.  And in giving thanks, we find salvation.

Our stewardship commitment is two-fold.  It is a commitment to our community, but it is also an offering of thanksgiving to our God for all we have and are.  The commitment we have made and the thanksgiving that we offer this weekend have the power to give us new life and salvation as we continue to live as good stewards and

  1. Receive all that God has given us with grateful hearts
  2. cultivate the gift of our life
  3. Share ourselves generously in justice and love, and
  4. Return and give thanks to God for all we have and are.

May the thanksgiving we offer today empower us, like the tenth leper, to "Stand up and go; your faith has saved you" (Lk. 17:11-19) for our salvation is in our thanksgiving.

