Sunday, December 26, 2010
Lincoln’s Log 12-26-10
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Lincoln’s Log 12-19-10
Lincoln’s Log 12-12-10
Lincoln’s Log 12-5-10
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Lincoln's Log
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Lincoln’s Log 10-24-10
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Lincoln's Log 10-17-10
Thank you to everyone who made or renewed their Stewardship Commitment this last weekend. If you have not turned in your card yet, please drop it by the parish office ASAP. You should be receiving a letter or phone call within the next two weeks about the ministry you signed up for. If you don't hear anything by Tuesday, October 22 please call the parish office.
- Come to the first ever webcast at St. Rose/St. Mary’s! Fr. Richard Rohr will be talking with men from around the globe about what it means to be a Christian man in the world today. On Sunday, October 24, we will gather at 12:30pm in the St. Rose parish meeting room (the webcast begins at 1pm) and spend some time discussing Fr. Richard’s insights after the webcast. You can find more information about the webcast at: We should be done by 2:30pm. Don’t worry, the Packers don’t play until 7pm so there will be plenty of time for pre-game festivities after the webcast. Maybe we could even conclude the gathering with a prayer for the Packers!
- The Norbertine Center for Spirituality at St. Norbert’s Abbey in De Pere is hosting a Morning of Spiritual Renewal for Men on Saturday, October 30 from 8am-1pm. Cost is $30 and includes beverages, rolls, lunch and attendance at any of the sessions. During this morning of spirituality, outstanding speakers will be offering workshops to help men get in touch with their faith and what God asks of them. For more information call Lincoln at 715-823-3416 or the Norbertine Center #920-337-4315. Act fast, registrations are due by October 22. You can also register online at:
- Stay tuned for more details about my Advent book discussion on “On the Threshold of Transformation: Meditations for Men” by Fr. Richard Rohr.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Money and the Spiritual Life
Money and the Spiritual Life
Monday, October 11, 2010
Remembering John XXIII and Vatican II
Whispers in the Loggia: Quote of the Day
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Lincoln's Log 10-10-10
- Receive all that God has given us with grateful hearts
- cultivate the gift of our life
- Share ourselves generously in justice and love, and
- Return and give thanks to God for all we have and are.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Lincoln's Log 10-3-10
"We are an inviting faith-filled Catholic community made up of two unique parishes devoted to life-long learning and discipleship through prayer, service and sharing."
This statement, from the St. Rose/St. Mary's common mission statement shows how integral Stewardship is to our life as community. Recently, Bishop Bob Morneau from Bear Creek wrote the following reflection on a theology of Stewardship. Here are some of his thoughts on prayer, service, and sharing:
Stewardship of Prayer
Prayer is about our relationship with God. Stewards nurture their relationship with God by having a prayer life. Whether that is two minutes or two hours a day, listening and responding to God is at the core of the disciple's life. At times the prayer will be that of thanksgiving. At other times the prayer will be that of praise or petition or forgiveness. Whether private or communal prayer, the purpose is to stay connected to God so as to do the divine will. This dimension of stewardship can be measured to some degree. Of the 168 hours per week, of the 144 daily ten-minutes slots, how much time do we use in prayer? And, of course, the most important prayer of all is the Eucharist in which we hear God's word and receive Jesus in the Eucharist. Stewards are eucharistic people.
Stewardship of Service
Ministry is about gifts and needs. We name and nurture the gifts God has given us; we place these gifts at the service of those in need. Ministries are many in number and find expression in the areas of worship, education, community, social justice, leadership, and evangelization. The Epistle of St. Peter reminds us: "As each one has received a gift, use it to serve another as good stewards of God's varied graces" (1 Peter 4:10). A theology of ministry and service emphasizes that it is not so much that we do things for others but rather Jesus is doing something for others through us. Being aware of the difference between "for" and "through" changes our whole manner of service. That is why prayer is so important: it keeps reminding us that all stewardship is ultimately the work of the Lord taking place through the actions of faithful disciples. Jesus came not to be served but to serve. Through baptism and confirmation we are called to a life of commitment to the wounded of the world. The Eucharist strengthens us in that mission and the Christian community hopefully supports us in our responsibilities.
Stewardship of Sharing
"The budget is a moral document" (Jim Wallis). How we earn and spend our money is both a highly personal issue as well as a social concern. Having access to someone's checkbook is also having access to that person's value system. "For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be." Matthew 6:21 Stewards are generous people. Again, they have a grateful heart realizing that all gifts come from the Lord. They feel an obligation to return a portion (be it 3%, 6%, 10%, 20%) to the Church and other charities. They refuse to be co-opted by a culture of greed and live a life of hoarding. A tough question has to be asked: can a person claim to be a disciple of the Lord if they are not sharing generously of their financial resources? A strange phenomenon happens in the stewardship world. The greater the generosity and the greater the sacrifice, the greater the joy. Joy, according to some authors, is impossible without generosity. And as one author states, joy is the infallible sign of God's presence.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Lincoln’s Log 9-26-10
"Who is a Christian steward?
One who receives God's gifts gratefully,
Cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner,
Shares them in justice and love with all,
And returns them with increase to the Lord."
Last week, and in the coming weeks, we are going to be hearing a lot about Stewardship in the Gospels. You will be receiving a letter from me including a Stewardship Renewal card in the mail along with the Diocesan Stewardship prayer. You probably noticed the large poster "Stewardship: A Way of Life" as you entered the church. Why all this focus on Stewardship?
The simple answer is that Stewardship is indeed a way of life. Stewardship is simply one way of understanding our call as disciples of Jesus. The principles of gratitude, responsibility, accountability, generosity, and sacrifice are essential elements of being a disciple of Jesus.
Stewardship is as simple as breathing. Every breath we take is a gift from God. Because it is a gift it can not be held, but must be released and returned to God. Trying to hang on to the many gifts that God has given us is as foolish as trying to hold our breath… and it would lead to death.
This Sunday's Gospel (luke 16:19-31) teaches us that if we hang on to the gifts God has given us, as the rich man did, we are creating a great chasm between ourselves and God. Rather than being grateful for all he had received and acting with justice and love (see the Bishops definition of a Christian Steward above), the rich man ignored Lazarus and God.
In the coming weeks, as we focus on stewardship as a way of life, may we learn the lesson of the rich man and Lazarus.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Lincoln’s Log 9-12-10
Our community, our diocese, our state, and our nation are going through difficult times. As I talk with people, I often get a sense of despair and hopelessness. People do not seem to be looking forward to the future as much as buckling down and trying to survive. At times like this, there is the temptation to turn inward and to care only for ourselves and to protect our own interests and agenda. It is important that we resist that temptation and continue to reach out to those around us who are in need. The Gospel always calls us beyond ourselves.
Our mission statement as a community calls us to dedicate ourselves to lifelong discipleship through prayer, service, and sharing. When times are tough, this is even more important. Reaching out doesn't just help the person we reach out to. More importantly it heals ourselves. We are made to find ourselves by loving others. Prayer reflects our love for God. Service and sharing embody our love for others.
Many of the stories that have made our parish a Vital Parish are stories of reaching out. Let's continue to reach out and reflect the image of the God of love who searches out the lost.
Lincoln’s Log 9-5-10
Being a disciple is an all or nothing affair. If we are to receive the gift of being Jesus disciple, we open ourselves totally to the reality that He is God. Jesus is the source of every blessing in our life. Everything we have, even our life itself, is His gift to us. When we accept this gift we are freed to give it away. Discipleship is accepting everything as a gift of God through Jesus, and then returning that gift, in love, to the one who gave it to us. If we try to hold on to the gift as our own possession, it starts to rot in our hands.
This famous prayer by the founder of the Jesuits is a wonderful summary of this teaching. Ignatius knew that everything he had was a gift from God and that the greatest thing he could do would be to return that gift to God, opening himself to receive the giver behind the gift. This week, make this prayer your own by praying in these or similar words:
Take, O Lord, and receive my entire liberty,
my memory, my understanding and my whole will.
All that I am and all that I possess You have given me.
I surrender it all to You to be disposed of according to Your will.
Give me only Your love and Your grace;
with these I will be rich enough,
and will desire nothing more.
- St. Ignatius Loyola (Jesuit) 16th century
Lincoln A. Wood
Lincoln's Log 8-29-10
By now you have received the mailing about our Parish Vitality Initiative. If you haven't received a survey yet, stop by the parish office and pick one up. I hope you have taken some time to reflect on the blessings you have received from our wonderful community and to look to the future with hope. I look forward to reading your stories and images of blessing and hope as your survey's come in.
I also hope you took 10 minutes to reflect on the various areas of ministry in our community and rank our parish as to how we are ministering to one another as disciples. This data will help us to shape our ministry into the future. Mark your calendar for the Parish Vitality gathering on Saturday, September 25 following the 4pm liturgy at St. Rose or Sunday, September 26 following the 10:30am liturgy at St. Mary's.
Several very practical and more immediate things have also been happening in the midst of ministry. The staff's offices have been moved from the rectory to 140 Auto Street in the parish school/ministry center. The hours have changed as well. The office in Clintonville (140 Auto) will be open from 7:30am-3:30pm on weekdays. In Bear Creek, the St. Mary's Parish Center offices will be open from 9am-1pm on Wednesdays (hopefully these hours can expand to 9am-4pm in the near future if we can find the right volunteers).
In the midst of all this change, I keep being reminded of Cardinal Newman's saying: “To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.” The Spirit is moving in our midst. Let's respond together!
Lincoln’s Log 8-22-10
"Lord, will only a few people be saved?”
It seems like a logical question. There are two ways of answering the question. “Yes” or “No.” But Jesus doesn’t answer the question either way. Why? Because the question assumes a set of criteria that Jesus doesn’t accept.
If Jesus answers, “Yes, only a few people will be saved” what would happen? We would start looking around and trying to figure out who was going to make it and who wouldn’t. A lot of us might give up, figuring that salvation was only for the elite and the perfect. But Jesus teaches “some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last.”
If, instead, Jesus answers, “No, many will be saved” what would happen? I think we would sit back and say to ourselves, “Well then, what is all the fuss about? I’m a pretty decent person. I haven’t murdered anyone so I must be OK.”
Jesus doesn’t answer the question directly because it sets up a standard of salvation and salvation isn’t about requirements. Salvation is a gift and a response to that gift. Jesus says, “People will come from the east and the west and from the north and the south and will recline at table in the kingdom of God.” Therefore it must be easy, right? But he also says, “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.” So it must be tough, right?
We all want to know who is going to heaven, don’t we. How hard is it? What are the requirements? Who meets the standards? But Jesus refuses to answer that kind of question. Look into your heart and as you accept the gift God has given you, you will strive to enter by the narrow gate.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Lincoln's Log 8-15-10
Our bodies matter.
Today we celebrate the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. This doctrine teaches us that "… when the course of her earthly life was finished, [Mary] was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory" (Catechism of the Catholic Church #966 emphasis added).
As Catholics, we take the body very seriously. We know that human beings are not disembodied spirits trapped in bodies. We proclaim that we are not saved from our bodies but in our bodies. In fact, the sacredness of the body is central to our belief in the sacraments because we know that God is encountered in and through the body. This view of the body is the reason we have all the "smells and bells" that make being Catholic so interesting. The respect we have for the body explains why we sit, stand, kneel, sing, process, hug, kiss, splash ourselves with water, eat, drink, and all the other "bodily" things we do at liturgy.
In our spiritual lives, our bodies are not something we leave behind but they are transformed and redeemed. This fundamental belief in the gift of our bodies is also integral to our Catholic teaching on sexual morality. It is the root of much of the conflict between the cultural view of sexuality and our church's teaching.
Recently, the state of Wisconsin enacted a law that will affect the way human sexuality is taught in our schools. You can find out more about this issue from our Wisconsin Bishops at: and click the link: Sex Education Options in Wisconsin Public Schools (July 2010)
Our bodies are great gifts from God. As we celebrate this feast of Mary's Assumption, may we come to a deeper appreciation of the gift that our bodies are.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Lincoln's Log 8-7-10
Everybody wins!
Last weekend over a dozen children and adults from our parish and school picked blueberries at Blueberry Haven. Why? Due to the wet weather, the crop hasn't been picked yet and many of the berries are in danger of rotting on the bush.
Blueberry Haven approached us because the berries were going to be wasted if they were not picked. Several families responded to this need. Over a hundred pounds of berries that would have gone to waste will now be used in the school lunch program. Our children learned the importance of service by taking care of the gifts that God has given. A valuable lesson in stewardship! By working together, everybody won.
This is only one example of wise stewardship going on in our community. The generosity of people donating their skills, time, money, and work for the St. Mary's Sauer Kraut Festival this weekend is another example. If you weren't involved in some way this year, be sure to help out next year. It is a wonderful event and exemplifies generous sharing and careful use of God's gifts to us. At the festival, everybody wins.
God continues to bless us in unexpected ways. This weekend we hear that "Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more." As disciples, we strive to care for all the gifts God gives us. One way we do that is to find situations where "everybody wins."
If you have ideas or examples where "everybody wins" I would love to hear them. So many good things are happening in our community. Let's proclaim the good news to one another.
P.S. If you are interested in picking berries (there is no charge for the berries if they are for the school lunch program) please contact Mary Hohensee at the parish office.
Lincoln A. Wood
Parish Director
St. Mary's Parish, Bear Creek
St. Rose Parish, Clintonville
Friday, July 23, 2010
Lincoln's Log 8-1-10
"Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one's life does not consist of possessions."
These are Jesus' words to us in this Sunday's Gospel. But how? How do we guard against greed? We are surrounded by messages that tell us that we are incomplete. Buy this product and you will be happy. Eat this food and you will find fulfillment. We all know that these promises are empty. Yet the temptation is always there. Is there a spiritual practice that can help us fight the temptation to greed?
I believe there is. That practice is gratefulness. Cultivating gratefulness can be an antidote to the temptation of greed. An easy way to cultivate gratefulness is to "Count your blessings." This simple practice can be done regularly to empower us to resist the temptation to greed. Many people count their blessings just before bed as they review the many gifts that God has given them. Even on the worst days, there is much to be grateful for: sunshine or rain, a child's smile, food on the table, a glass of clear water, flowers... These simple blessings are innumerable.
There is even a website dedicated to gratefulness. You can find it at: It has many wonderful resources and videos to cultivate gratefulness. Also check out this powerful video at:
A grateful heart is a generous heart. A grateful heart is free from greed because it is filled with the recognition of the abundant gifts that God has given. A disciples heart is a grateful heart. As disciples, may we deepen our sense of gratefulness in the coming week!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Lincoln's Log 7-25-10
"Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives, and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."
Prayer is a great mystery. It is also a gift. The Gospel from Luke this week challenges us to be persistent in our prayer and to keep asking God for what we need. The Catechism on the Catholic Church says, "We ought always to pray and not to lose heart."
Yet fear steps in. I am often afraid to ask God for anything. I'm afraid of being demanding and treating God like Santa Claus. I'm afraid of being too specific because if I don't receive what I ask for I fear my faith will crumble. It is much safer for me to keep God at a distance. "He's busy. Why would he care about me and my little life?" I say to myself.
But for some reason my heart won't give up. It cries out in spite of my fears because deep down, the Holy Spirit that has been poured into my heart, knows that God is good. That He wants what is best for me. The depths of my heart know that I am loved by a loving Father.
It is this gift of the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts that enables us to pray and to be persistent in our prayer. God loves us. There is nothing to fear. "If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?" God loves us. Don't be afraid to ask.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Praying the Ignatian Way - Reflective Prayer - Loyola Press
This is a simple and wonderful way to pray. During the month of July I am always drawn to Ignatius' simple methods of reflection.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Lincoln's Log 7-18-10
I slept and I dreamt life was joy.
I awoke and I saw life was service.
I acted and behold service was joy.
Finding the right balance is an ongoing challenge in the world today. There are so many things that seem to scream out for our action, especially in times of transition. I know that I can easily get caught up in running from a meeting to soccer practice to visiting the sick to counseling a couple preparing for marriage to paperwork (which never seems to end) to writing to returning calls to putting a Band-Aid on Micah's knee to doing the dishes and all the while my cell phone is ringing and I know that my e-mail box is filling. At the end of the day I can fall into bed exhausted and wondering what I accomplished.
Most of the activities we get caught up in are good. They are service. They are, each in their own way, attempts to help manifest the Kingdom of God in the world. But are they bringing joy?
When I read the poem above by Ribindranath Tagore, a nobel prize winning Indian poet, I realized that much of my service was not joy. I had lost the roots of service. This Sunday's Gospel reminds us that without rooting our service in prayer it will become a burden. Martha felt the burden of service. She was weighed down by worries and anxiety which deprived her of joy. Mary chose the "better part" by sitting "at the Lord's feet listening to him speak." This "better part" would allow Mary to serve with joy because she was rooted in the Lord. Finding the right balance between prayer and service enables us to serve with joy. If you are feeling burdened by many worries, maybe that burden is a call to sit at the Lord's feet in prayer and listen to His gentle, loving voice.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Bulletin Reflection 5-9-10
“It is the decision of the Holy Spirit and of us not to place on you any burden beyond these necessities, namely, to abstain from meat sacrificed to idols, from blood, from meats of strangled animals, and from unlawful marriage. If you keep free of these, you will be doing what is right. Farewell.” (Acts 15:28-29 from this week’s first reading)
This is the letter that resolved the dispute about whether the early Gentile Christians needed to adapt Jewish practices (particularly circumcision) in order to become disciples of Jesus. Without this decision, Christianity would probably have remained a small sect within Judaism rather than the world religion it is today.
But it was not an easy or a clear decision at the time. The argument was heated. There were multiple factions, all of which had strong arguments from their experience and from Scripture. It was not an easy question to answer and it struck at the heart of what it meant to be a disciple of Jesus. It was a question whose answer would affect the nature of the community down through the ages.
With all this surrounding turmoil, I am struck by the letter’s confident tone and assurance. “It is the decision of the Holy Spirit and of us…” In the midst of this crisis these early disciples were confident that the Holy Spirit was with them, guiding them into a future they couldn’t see. At that moment of incredible tension the Holy Spirit was present, and the disciples trusted that guidance.
We each have crisis in our lives when we have to make decisions that are not clear or easy. Faith tells us the Holy Spirit is present. As a community we have to make decisions that are not clear or easy. Faith tells us the Holy Spirit is present. As we move forward in our lives and in our communal life, we continue to rely on the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father sent in Jesus’ name. May we continue to pray for the Spirit’s guidance.
Thank you for being the wonderful community that you are. Alleluia!
Monday, April 12, 2010
What I'm up to... please pray for us
We had a Home and School meeting tonight. Our community is working hard and has come up with a very good plan and mobilized. Let's keep praying that God's will is done.
A fundraising steering committee was formed and crafted this core message. Please share it with anyone who is interested in preserving the value of Catholic Education.
Each child's primary education is vital to the future of our community. St. Rose & St. Mary's provides a solid foundation with a committed staff who understand the value of a Catholic education. We need your help to secure our future. Please send your tax deductible donation to St. Rose & St. Mary's School, 140 Auto Street, Clintonville, WI 54929 (715)823-4360.
Lincoln A. Wood
Parish Director
St. Mary's Parish, Bear Creek
St. Rose Parish, Clintonville